Meghan Markle talks about 'madness' around being Prince Harry wife

Meghan Markle talks about the 'toxicity' in 'liberation' of women

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Meghan Markle is opening up about the roles a woman plays in the family.

Speaking on the latest episode of her podcast Archetypes, the Duchess of Sussex discusses the stereotypes around Good Wife/Bad Wife, Good Mom/Bad Mom with Sophie Trudeau, Pamela Adlon and Sam Jay.

The guest expert on the podcast series said: "We have fallen into this trap that we, as modern women, can do anything. Now, that sounds like a liberating message but it's not so liberating, I would go as far and boldly to say it is toxic.

"We are falling into these misguided beliefs about who we should be, these personas of perfectionism and grandiose delusion that we can do it all.

"So the goal is not to not guilt ourselves or shame ourselves, the goal is to get out of that pendulum swinging madness altogether."

Agreeing to her guest, Meghan said: "And if we could just get off of that pendulum. Get off this constant rollercoaster. We can take Dr Shefali's next piece of advice to heart."

The author added: "Don't destroy your essence for this illusion of perfectionism or image of the good wife or good mother, because those are just images.

"The best mother and the best woman you can be is the authentic one, the one deeply connected to our own knowing.

The Duchess then invited her guests to listen on, saying: "So what do you say we find out what happens when we step outside of the moulds that don't fit and we stop buying into this illusion."

She added: "In this episode, we are digging into the roles that women play of wives, mums, caretakers, and really thinking about how do we break out the limiting versions that society has carved out for us and settle into the layered, complex and fullest versions of our own truths.

"How can we shift the roles that we play, the expectations that we set, for ourselves and for each others."