Prince William needs to ‘challenge Harry’s version of the truth’

Prince William called to force Prince Harry into a state of accountability

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Prince William has just been urged to keep Prince Harry accountable for his 'vindictive actions’.

Carole Malone, English television presenter, brought this shocking allegation to light. 

She made these admissions in a piece for Express UK and started it all off by taking a swipe at Prince Harry for his ruthless attacks against the Firm.

It read, “As for William, he should tell his truth about his brother Harry. About how sad he is that even after years of therapy he can harbour such anger, such toxicity. He needs to vigorously challenge everything the Sussex’s have said although not in a vindictive way but in a way where Harry has to be accountable because currently, he’s accountable for nothing.”

“William must challenge Harry’s version of the truth because without challenge it will go down in history as the truth. And I think that will ultimately destroy the Monarchy. Do King Charles and Prince William really want to sit by being noble and dignified while that happens in front of their eyes?”

“If not – they need to act. Now!” Malone added before concluding as well.