Paris Hilton speaks up about her abortion and living in spotlight in a new memoir

Paris Hilton shares shocking revelations about her life in Paris: The Memoir

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Paris Hilton speaks up about her abortion and living in spotlight in a new memoir
Paris Hilton speaks up about her abortion and living in spotlight in a new memoir

Paris Hilton has recently opened up about abortion in her twenties and being in the spotlight in her new autobiography Paris: The Memoir, released on March 14.

In her memoir, Paris revealed that she got pregnant in 2003 with her then-boyfriend Jason Shaw.

“I was terrified and heartsick. I felt paralysed by an anxiety that took root in my body and grew like poison ivy,” said the reality star.

Paris then decided to get an abortion but it was not an easy choice.

“No one can ever know how hard it is to face this impossible choice unless she's faced it herself,” remarked the actress.

“It's an intensely private agony that's impossible to explain. The only reason I'm talking about it now is that so many women are facing it, and they feel so alone and judged and abandoned. I want,” explained the 42-year-old.

Reflecting on the experience, Paris writes, “I know I made the right choice.”

“At that moment in my life, I was in no way capable of being a mother. Denying that would have jeopardised the family I hoped to have in the future, at a time when I was healthy and healed,” remarked the star.

Paris also talked about receiving “tabloid” attention she received during the early years of her acting career.

“I had fun—tons of fun and I refuse to remember it any other way,” commented Paris.

However, Paris shared how young women in the spotlight had to face the double standard at the time.

She pointed out, “We expected girls to be sexualised and then condemned for their sexuality.”

“Punished for both silence and speaking out, told we should accept responsibility for our choices and then called crazy or stupid or slutty if we didn't live by the rules other people chose for us,” added Paris.