Katy Perry hits major snag in home accusation case against 84-year-old

Katy Perry has just hit a snag in her accusation of a mansion by 84-year-old veteran

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Katy Perry hits major snag in home accusation case against 84-year-old
Katy Perry hits major snag in home accusation case against 84-year-old

Singer-songwriter Katy Perry has just come under fire amid reports that the old trial she was battling with an 84-year-old vet can be revisited for ‘due process’.

For those unversed, this battle is for the proprietary ownership of a California mansion.

The 84-year-old in question is named Carl Westcott is seeking to launch a new trial after a Los Superior Court judge previously ruled that the veteran was to sell his $15 million abode at Perry’s agent, Bernie Gudvi’s, behest.

But according to his attorney Andrew J. Thomas, he was allegedly on painkillers, following a 6-hour back surgery when Perry’s business agent ‘coaxed’ him into signing the agreement.

They also blamed the deadlines and claims that it hampered their ability to ‘prove their case’ due to the time limits set during the 7-day trial.

The attorney also said, “Westcott therefore objects to the PSD (the judge’s proposed statement of decision), and reserves the right to bring motions for a new trial or to vacate the judgment, on the grounds he was denied due process as a result of time limits on his case and being hurried by the trial court throughout the trial even though it was clear from the start that Westcott had seven witnesses and Gudvi only had three—and it was Westcott who had the burden of proof.”

His attorney also argued that the contract shouldn't hold up because of his dementia-like symptoms, as well as Hungtington’s disease.

He also concluded by saying, “The PSD fails to consider and should include that Westcott signed the subject contract in year five of the six-year arc of his disease and just one year before the uncontradicted evidence that Westcott reported to doctors in 2021 that he had difficulty planning and executing things, he could not remember what medicines he took or why he took them, he had hallucinations, dream reenactment behavior, and he heard music that isn’t there.”