December 03, 2023
Squid Games, a popular Netflix show which follows a setting of competition between 456 contestants to win a huge cash prize was recently turned into a real-life competition consisting of real-life contestants striving to win millions, instead of actors.
A contestant from the show, Squid Games: The Challenge, has recently revealed the amount of money they were paid to participate in the show.
According to Daily Mail, more than 100,000 candidates applied to get featured in the series after it was revealed that the winner of the show would be awarded a cash prize of a whopping $4.56 million.
One of the participants, Radhika Srinivasan, has recently revealed that none of the contestants appearing in the show has been paid any money by the streaming giant and revealed that only the winner will be making the cash.
Answering a fan on TikTok who asked about her fee for appearing in the show, Radhika stated, "Zero. Zero GBP, zero USD, zero rupees, zero Yuan, zero Pesos. Zero. Zero!"
However, she revealed that the company covered all of their travel expenses, including international flights, trains or taxi rides.
Talking about her experience on Squid Games: The Challenge, Radhika said, "It was such a wild experience, and I would not take it back for the world! Would I do it again for free? One hundred percent."