Prince Harry branded ‘harvester' sifting for royal nuggets for bestseller books

Prince Harry has just been called out for always looking to sift through royal nuggets in order to sell books

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Prince Harry branded ‘harvester sifting for royal nuggets for bestseller books
Prince Harry branded ‘harvester' sifting for royal nuggets for bestseller books

Experts have just branded Prince Harry a harvester who is always sifting through royal nuggets for his future bestsellers.

Claims about Prince Harry’s trip to the UK has been shared by royal commentator Jan Moir.

She touched on it all in a piece for the Daily Mail said, “I don’t doubt for one moment that Harry is a concerned and loving son — but is he also a harvester of biographical detail, sifting for nuggets to be included in his next bestseller? Is he taking care, is he taking stock, or is he taking notes?” 

Read More: Prince Harrys risking ‘complete isolation once Prince Williams king

“While concern for his father’s wellbeing must be genuine, it cannot be denied that Harry’s flamboyant show of air-miles compassion burnished his royal credentials on the global stage; cemented his status as a member of the Firm.”

“For Harry, being a prince is his only USP in the USA, where no amount of shiny medals hung round his neck by John Travolta can make up for the real thing.”