‘Anxious' Prince Harry is ‘blessing' for Meghan Markle

Prince Harry would be stressed out due to Meghan Markle panel discussion, says an expert

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Prince Harry seemingly showed signs of anxiety as Meghan Markle took centre stage this week.

The Duchess of Sussex spoke at the SXSW Festival in Austin, Texas on Friday and gushed about her husband, who was watching in the front row.

Speaking about their appreciative body language, expert Judi James says: "Sitting in the stalls at Meghan's panel session, Harry throws a look of beaming pride and even seems to do that loyal thing of clapping a little longer than most of the audience.”

She tells Mirror: "Harry got his shout-out from his wife too. At one point it looked as though she winked at her husband but then there was the very touching verbal praise for the man who she felt 'blessed' to have and who she called an 'incredible partner and hands-on dad'."

In her discussion, Meghan evidently gushed about Harry, noting: "Amongst the privileges that I have in my life, I have an incredible partner. My husband is such a hands on dad and such a supporter of me and our family, and that I don't take for granted. That is a real blessing."

However, due to her courage and confidence, Judi noted that Harry might have felt a little anxiety.

She shared that "unlikely he would feel any anxiety for his more-than-confident wife". She explained: "This might be an empathetic reaction then, prompted by his own well-documented anxiety before delivering a speech."