Kristen Dunst shares her take on dark side of early stardom

Kristen Dunst opens up about her experience in industry as child artist

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Kristen Dunst shares her take on the dark side of early stardom
Kristen Dunst shares her take on the dark side of early stardom

Kristen Dunst shared her experience with early stardom and brushing predatory behavior.

In the wake of current controversies surrounding toxic work cultures for young stars, the Spiderman Actress also recalled her experience.

The incident that involved a male director, whom she refused to name, called her into his office to discuss a sought after role, “A male director had me in his office, by myself and was asking me about this movie he wanted me for, and then, completely out of the blue, asked me this inappropriate question," she told The Telegraph.

"Honestly, I'm not even sure he's still working any more, it's not something I like to reflect on. But I will say what he said was nothing to do with acting and it wasn't that what he said was just 'a bit off.' It was totally improper. And I remember sitting there and knowing that something was wrong, but with no idea what I should do”, she added.

However, the young celebrity told her mother about the shocking comment as she revealed, “That was the end of it, she withdrew me from the process and told them I wouldn't be making the film”

Attributing it to her mother's constant presence, the 41-year-old actress admitted staying safe from the 'predatory' side of the industry.

The mother of two also admitted to adopting a more ‘businesslike’ attitude after the incident which helped her keep unwanted advances from male coworkers at bay.