Prince Harry begining to act authoritative and angry with the world

Prince Harry has just been called out for attempting to play too much of an authoritative role but failing

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Prince Harry begining to act authoritative and angry with the world

Prince Harry has just been called out for behaving in such an authoritative way for his eco-tourism brand.

Body language analyst Judy James issued observations in line with Prince Harry’s video statement for Travalyst.

She weighed in on everything during her interview with Express and began by pointing out how the prince almost immediately shows “hints of annoyance.”

“He decides to deliver this scripted message to the camera in the style of an angry authoritarian,” she also pointed out.

She also added, “He begins with his mouth pursed in prim annoyance and when he uses the word ‘ensure’ his right hand comes up in an emphatic baton gesture while his eyebrows raise to create that look of authority.”

“He bites at his words despite the fact his eyes can be seen scanning a running script, and his head tilts to hint at the annoyance or frustration with anyone not yet on message.”

“The word ‘Entity’ gets a similar over-working as his mouth widens horizontally and his ‘We need to work together’ comes not with a mimed hug or a smile of unity but a finger baton followed by a sucking in of the lips,” as well, she added before signing off.