Prince Philip told Queen Elizabeth his suspicions about Meghan Markle

Prince Philip knew Meghan Markle was trouble for the Royal Family

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Prince Philip told Queen Elizabeth his suspicions about Meghan Markle
Prince Philip told Queen Elizabeth his suspicions about Meghan Markle

Prince Philip warned Queen Elizabeth II Meghan Markle was trouble the first time he met her.

Husband of the former monarch likened Meghan to King Edward IV wife Wallis Simpson, who pushed him away from the Royal Family.

Royal author Ingrid Seward explained: "Soon the country as a whole seemed to take to Meghan with equally genuine delight. One of the few wary of succumbing to her charm offensive, however, was Prince Philip. While the Queen continued to champion Harry's new love, he warned his wife to be cautious

"Queen Elizabeth II was perfectly aware of what Philip meant when he drew parallels between Meghan and Wallis. Indeed, much later, she would remark in her clipped way that perhaps Harry had been 'too in love' with the American actress,” he noted.

Ms Seward also told GB News: "I think Prince Philip was very canny about people and he didn't always see the bad in them, he tried to see the good in them. I think he just couldn't get away from the fact [of the] similarities between Meghan and Harry and Edward and Mrs Simpson."