Taylor Swift reenacted THIS movie scene to clap back at her bullies

Taylor Swift had a special movie character in mind when it came to taunt mean girls

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Taylor Swift reenacted THIS movie scene to clap back at her bullies 

When Taylor Swift started making enough big bucks, her first big purchase was a clapback.

In the two-part documentary titled Taylor Swift vs Scooter Braun: Bad Blood, which premiered on Friday, the first part shows Taylor's perspective of the rift she had with the big shot manager over her music masters.

She rose to fame as a teenager when she signed with Big Machine in the early 2000s and agreed to a six-album deal which did not grant her ownership of her masters.

In the second episode, journalist and author Zing Tsjeng revealed that when Taylor got her first paycheck from Big Machine, she was inspired to reenact a famous movie character’s action.

"Famously she used her first paycheck to buy a Lexus convertible as a kind of snub to the popular girls,” she revealed.

Zing then continued, “She's talked about this as being a real kind of F.U. moment in her career where she kind of says, 'You know, you girls were busy not inviting me to things, going to parties while I've just used my first paycheck to buy the car that Regina George drives in Mean Girls.”

According to Mirror, Zing used the reference from her early days to emphasize that the singer never forgets about those who wronged her, including Scooter purchasing her masters.