Meghan Markle dealt an impossible choice with an entire country's wrath awaiting

Meghan Markle is at risk of facing some massively tough choices that many even go as far as to brand impossible

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Meghan Markle dealt an impossible choice with an entire countrys wrath awaiting
Meghan Markle dealt an impossible choice with an entire country's wrath awaiting

Experts have just warned against the impossible choice Meghan Markle has been dealt with, when it comes to whether she wants to come back to the UK with Prince Harry.

Catherine Meyer-Funnell issued these comments and highlighted what Meghan Markle’s status currently is in the UK.

She began the conversation in her piece for Express UK by posing a question.

The question reads, “With polls suggesting her popularity has plummeted and commentators raking over every little detail of everything she does, is it any wonder that Meghan has chosen to stay away?”

This is because the author believes, “Meghan is facing an impossible choice between staying safe in California as the royal feud rumbles on or facing the music while risking the wrath of a country she believes hates her.”

“If there is any way back for the Sussexes and the Firm to repair their relationship then Harry and Meghan will have to start coming back to Britain more often,” she also pointed out during the course of her conversation with the outlet.