Prince Harry still purely traumatized by Princess Diana's battle

Prince Harry is starting to grow ever desperate to fight the battle that Princess Diana failed to fight

Web Desk
Prince Harry still purely traumatized by Princess Dianas battle
Prince Harry still purely traumatized by Princess Diana's battle

Experts fear Prince Harry is seeing his time in the US as a fight that Princess Diana never got to fight, during her lifetime.

Claims like this have been brought to light by a royal source close to The Royal Observer.

The source in this question started the revelation by offering some insight into Prince Harry’s mental state and claimed, “I think in his traumatized mind, he in some way thinks of himself as his mother fighting some battle she never got to finish.”

But when one compares both situations, “The problem is that Diana was never fighting some arbitrary battle, except for maybe her own demons, which is unfortunate.”

“The princess was simply battling her husband at one time and moved on after their divorce, she was not out to get the Crown — her eldest son's future crown mind you,” the royal insider also pointed out during the course of their interview.

“It is a failure of the institution that the prince never got proper psychological treatment when Diana died,” and it’s even more 'moronic' to the expert, to say 'well his brother moved on fine' because we are all different.”