‘Fear monger’ Johnny Depp made witnesses ‘lie under oath?

Web Desk
August 28, 2022

Johnny Depp has come under fire for ‘forcing’ witnesses to ‘lie under oath and ‘take his side’

Johnny Depp is being accused of running a ‘fear-led’ campaign against Amber Heard, where he forced witnesses to ‘lie under oath.

The allegations have been made by declarant Laura Divenere who claims she was made to sign pre-trial declarations.

Reportedly, “these declarations were often obtained through threats and deception.”

Ms Divenere even accused Mr Waldman of “threatening her with negative consequences if she did not cooperate with him, including perjury if she did not sign the declaration he wanted her to sign.”

These findings have been unearthed by House In Habit and claim “In addition, while the declarations all bore the heading of this case, NONE were ever filed with the Court or provided to counsel for defendant.”


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