‘All’s not well in Prince Harry’s world’, experts leak details

Prince Harry’s chances at a peaceful existence has been branded ‘impossible’ amid major underlining issue

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Experts have just broke down Prince Harry’s major ‘underlining issue’ with Meghan Markle.

These claims have been made by body language expert Katia Loisel, in her most recent interview with Sky News.

This is particularly evident in Prince Harry’s body language and facial expressions as he and Meghan listened to the speakers at the [UN] General Assembly.”

She also found there to be a “clear indication of negative emotion” and thus found that, “… All is not well in Harry’s world.”

“Typically attentive to Meghan’s needs, using touch and eye contact to convey both support and affection, Harry appears somewhat distant.”

Before concluding, Ms Loisel also weighed in on how there was also a major “underlying issue” with Meghan Markle and explained how, “His torso subtly titled to the left, orientated away from Meghan in what is known as ventral denial, suggesting a subconscious need for a little bit of distance.”