Prince Harry, Meghan Markle leaving ‘no safe haven’ to public

Experts warn Prince Harry, Meghan Markle are leaving no stone unturned to make sure they stay in the limelight

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Royal experts warn Prince Harry Meghan Markle are leaving no stone unturned to make sure their publicity drive leaves ‘no holes’ and ‘no safe haven’ to the public.

Filmmaker and journalist Ahmed Twaij, made this admission in an op-ed for the Al Jazeera.

The writer started the conversation off saying, “For the last few months, even years now, the lives of the couple have been splattered across front-page articles and mainstream news.”

“While Markle has had a career as an actress in the United States, Harry’s biggest — and frankly only — claim to fame is a family association he gained through birth.”

“Amidst a growing cost of living crisis, colossal global inflation rates and a terrifying climate catastrophe, news that matters should not be hijacked by meaningless tabloid gossip.”

Before concluding, the writer also added, “There has been no way to avoid it. Be it on news websites, on Instagram or Twitter feeds, on Netflix or Spotify top 10 lists, and now even on the shelves of bookstores — my usual safe haven — there has been no escape from Harry, Meghan and other British royals (or ex-royals).