James Gunn shares insane comic reading habits

James Gunn reveals how many comics he read monthly

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James Gunn shares insane comic reading habits
James Gunn shares insane comic reading habits

James Gunn is an avid reader of the comics, especially DC. However, curiosity abounded about which superhero title the new chief frequently read as he often shared them online.

Responding to a fan on Threads, the Marvel director revealed he gets his hands on every DC comic every month, "I get ALL the DC titles."

Credits: Threads
Credits: Threads

Earlier on the platform, the filmmaker–turned–executive also set the record straight on younger Clark Kent speculation in the upcoming Superman: Legacy.

"I was never making a 'young Superman' movie, just a Superman movie!," the head honcho clarified.

But as The Hollywood Reporter mentioned, the notion of a 'younger Superman' was born out of Gunn's tweet last December.

"In the initial stages, our story will be focusing on an earlier part of Superman's life, so the character will not be played by Henry Cavill."

In January, the 57-year-old ruled out the origin status of the superhero movie, while co-head Peter Safran added that the upcoming film tells the story of "Superman balancing his Kryptonian heritage with his human upbringing."