Russell Brand faces police questioning over SA allegations

Russell Brand was reportedly called by the London police for questioning regarding his alleged sex offences

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Russell Brand faces police questioning over SA allegations
Russell Brand faces police questioning over SA allegations

Russell Brand was reportedly called by the London police for questioning regarding his alleged sex offences.

The Metropolitan Police confirmed the attendance of a man in his forties who was interviewed under protocol.

These accusations follow previous claims of rape, sexual assault, and emotional abuse made against Russell during 2006-2013.

A spokesperson for The Met provided details to Mirror by stating: "A man in his 40s attended a police station in South London on Thursday 16 November 2023. He was interviewed under caution by detectives in relation to three non-recent sexual offences. Enquiries continue."

Channel 4's Dispatches, The Times, and The Sunday Times initially reported the accusations on September 16 where they quoted experiences of four women who came forward with claims of sexual assault committed by Russell.

Simultaneously, two more accounts were reported to BBC, however, the nature of these recent complaints has not been specified.

Following the controversy, Russell lost his YouTube channel monetisation as the streaming platform stated that they took the measure because he violated its "creator responsibility policy."

On the other hand, the 48-year-old comedian continues to refute the accusations and claimed that his "past relationships have always been consensual."