Princess Charlene, Prince Albert accused of 'staging' intimate photos

Expert analyzes body language of Princess Charlene and Prince Albert in their family photos

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Princess Charlene, Prince Albert accused of staging intimate photos
Princess Charlene, Prince Albert accused of 'staging' intimate photos

Princess Charlene of Monaco and her husband, Prince Albert of Monaco, appear distant in their family photos they posted after the former suffered an illness in 2021.

The couple, along with their twins, Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques, went for the Rainbow Nation following Charlene’s health scare.

Even though the getaway happened after the family was forced to stay apart due to Charlene’s illness, there were "no signs here of any direct connection between Albert and Charlene."

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Analyzing Charlene and Albert’s photos that the Princess posted on her Instagram, Judi James told Daily Mail, "There is no physical touch, closeness or even eye contact between them in the photos she has chosen for social media."

On another occasion, Charlene dropped another photo embracing Albert, but James said despite intimacy, the royal couple "did not seem close at all," alleging that the photos were "staged."

Princess Charlene, Prince Albert accused of staging intimate photos

"The couple could barely be closer, posing torso to torso and face to face, with Charlene's arm around Albert's neck in a clinging and rather possessive-looking hug that could almost be described as an overkill gesture," James said.

"Their eyes are fixed on what looks like another camera, making this a posed shot rather than anything more genuinely intimate, but the message of affection and physical closeness is there all the same.

"Charlene's eye expression suggests sadness in both of these poses though and although she is smiling, the corners of her mouth are pulled slightly downward, suggesting mixed emotions."