Prince Harry was ‘tolerated' rather than ‘welcomed' by King Charles?

Experts have just pointed out King Charles’ bid to seemingly ‘tolerate’ Prince Harry’s visit to the UK

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King Charles’ apparent bid to remain ‘only tolerant’ of Prince Harry’s arrival has just been brought to light by experts.

Insights into the King’s seemingly ‘tolerant’ behavior with Prince Harry has been shared by royal commentator Maureen Callahan, in her piece for the Daily Mail.

The expert began the conversation by comparing the two flights, of Prince Harry and his father King Charles.

For those unversed, the Duke of Sussex’s motorcade departed around 3:32 pm whereas Queen Camilla and the King left just six minutes later.

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As Ms Callahan pointed out, “Brutal. Not even a delay for the sake of optics.”

“Perhaps Charles was tired from his treatments,” she chimed in to say before adding, “But the bags were clearly packed. The schedule was to remain intact.”

All in all, “This visit, it seems, was going to be tolerated rather than welcomed.”

Around the time that Prince Harry’s flight landed it was revealed by a number of sources that despite the “darling boy’s” bid to fly over, there is a chance that Prince Harry “caused some disquiet by taking it upon himself to fly over unbidden.”