Prince Harry turns to ‘military briefing style' after legal loss

Prince Harry showcases a stern body language during recent video message

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Prince Harry turns to ‘military briefing style after legal loss

Prince Harry seemingly took a page from his military days as he addressed his admirers for a special speech today.

The Duke of Sussex, who made a speech for the WellChild Awards nominations this week, spoke about ‘strength’ and determination.

Reading bis body language, expert Judi James commented: "That background might look familiarly Montecito and the thong round his neck implies a casual approach but Harry’s body language here suggests a more ‘military briefing’ style of delivery as he bounces on his heels with his chin raised, his brows steepled and his head cocking from side to side."

She continued: "There is some body-bristling here to suggest gentle authority and his chest seems to splay as he braces himself when he speaks of the children’s’ 'resilience and positivity'. There is even a Lord Kitchener-style point to the camera as he enlists the help of 'You' the viewer."