Meghan Markle treats Prince Harry like a ‘royal appendage' for power

Meghan Markle has just been put on blast for treating Prince Harry like an appendage to dote around for symbolic power

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Meghan Markle treats Prince Harry like a ‘royal appendage for power
Meghan Markle treats Prince Harry like a ‘royal appendage' for power

Meghan Markle has just been called out for treating Prince Harry like some sort of an appendage.

Psychiatrist Dr. Carole Lieberman made these claims during her interview with GB News.

In it she touched on the relationship Meghan and Harry have with King Charles.

She even began by pointing out how “They are getting desperate, ever more desperate.”

Because “I think Meghan thought that when they went back to the United States that she and Harry would be very popular.”

Read More: Meghan Markle tired of being Prince Harry ‘plus one, wants new identity

In the eyes of the expert “They made all these plans about charities and so on. And she thought that they'd be able to do this just by carrying over the royal titles that they have and the history that they have and not doing any work as royals.”

“They are finding that in fact their popularity has gone down tremendously, so she's desperate now to cling to anything royal.”

“Her daily plan and goal is she wants to be on the face on everything every day. And Harry is sort of an appendage,” at this point.

“You know what's interesting, I'm sure you've noticed this, how she's always pawing him and he doesn't do that to her. It's like she needs him, and that's sort of symbolic. She needs the royalty.”