Prince Harry's gotten crossed off every royal list there is

Experts warn Prince Harry has found himself completely frozen out of Prince William and King Charles’ circles

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Prince Harrys gotten crossed off every royal list there is
Prince Harry's gotten crossed off every royal list there is

Experts warn Prince Harry is at risk of becoming completely crossed off every royal list that there is, given how Prince William and King Charles has frozen him out.

Royal author and commentator author Christopher Andersen, issued these revelations according to the New York Post.

He weighed in on everything by highlighting just how badly the Duke of Sussex has been frozen out from his family.

According to Mr Anderson, “They have chosen to ignore Harry, to freeze him out, and to not let him get under their skin when they are facing so many critical challenges.”

“In a way, I think that is even sadder,” because “it’s been said that hate isn’t the opposite of love — indifference is.”

“The King and Prince William are not surprised when Harry makes trips abroad, even when Meghan [Markle] accompanies him.”

“And I don’t get the sense they begrudge Harry [for] his ties to Africa.”

Before concluding Mr Anderson also admitted, “Charles and William have crossed Harry off their list for a plethora of reasons, but making a brief trip with one reporter and one photographer in tow isn’t one of them.”