Jude Law reveals shocking method he used to play King Henry VIII

Jude Law and director Karim Aïnouz made the 'Firebrand' set as authentic as they could

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Jude Law and director Karim Aïnouz made the 'Firebrand' set as authentic as they could

Jude Law stank willingly on the set of Firebrand to get into character to play England's King Henry VIII.

Law purposefully used a blood and fecal matter-scented perfume to make everything more in tune to 16th century atmosphere, when Henry VIII ruled over England.

At the 2024 Tribeca Festival premiere of Firebrand, he told People, "Karim (director Karim Aïnouz) creates what I call a 360-degree environment to acting, you don't know where the camera is, it's all sort of set up shots, it builds a world. So the scent was a big part of that, we wanted it to smell and feel real."

"Sometimes we had rooms we'd leave the windows open so it was very cold so we'd wrap up in our furs. Always animals present, which was true to the time, so me smelling bad was just an addition to that," The Holiday star added.

He further explained the method, saying, "I learned that Henry had this stench because of his rotten legs and I just thought it'd be an interesting addition for those around me who had to faun over him and do his every desire [while] also sort of holding back this retch."

Firebrand portrays Henry VIII’s final months before his death in 1547 and his issues with his sixth and last wife Katherine Parr (played by Alicia Vikander).