Robert De Niro dishes ideal Father's Day plans with seven kids

Robert De Niro talked about how he wished to spend this Father’s Day with his seven children

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Photo: Robert De Niro dishes ideal Father's Day plans with seven kids

Robert De Niro recently opened up about his plans for Fathers' Day.

Following the screening of flick Analyze This at the Tribeca Film Festival, Robert was asked regarding his ideal Father’s Day itinerary during a Q&A with Billy Crystal.

In response, Robert told the discussions’ moderator Gayle King, “I just like to have us all together, you know.”

To note here, Robert De Niro is the father to seven children with 14-month-old baby daughter Gia being the youngest.

“That's the ideal, having them all together [on] Father's Day,” he remarked before signing off from the chat.

It is pertinent to mention here that Robert De Niro also spoke to Entertainment Tonight on Gia’s birthday celebration earlier.

"She had a little cake, it was very nice, sweet,” he dished about Gia’s very first birthday celebrations.

“Well, she's pure joy, there's nothing about her, there's no judgement, there's no anything, she just is what she is and it's just pure joy for god sakes,” he added about his “adorable baby” daughter at that time.